Pro-Turkey Lobbying, Media Relations, Public Diplomacy & PR
You are about to begin a transformational experience. This site was launched to help students, citizen lobbyists, and site visitors acquire a basic knowledge about lobbying. It is meant for people who know little about lobbying, but who wish to be more active on an individual or community level. Our aim is to help train you as an individual lobbyist and to help you discover the tools that might be required. The site is also intended for visitors who have some knowledge of lobbying and would like to develop ideas for successful strategies. For those of our visitors who may already be members of organizations involved with public relations or lobbying, we hope you find the contents useful and that Lobicilik.Com stimulates greater interest in your work and appreciation of your efforts. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent in the 21st century, it is essential for anyone concerned with the formulation of domestic and international policies to have insight into the role lobbies play across the globe and how they have a powerful influence on business, government, politics and the media. The site uses a unique method that serves as a study guide based on the outlines provided in each unit. The pages that follow contain 15 units of coursework designed to introduce new concepts and aspects of lobbying so that you will acquire a basic understanding of lobbying, experience the complexities of lobbying, and better understand the motivation of lobbyists and their objectives. The units also offer exercises and tips for developing skills in order to be an influential lobbyist, while presenting controversial issues that Turkish lobbies face. Two useful sections concentrate on initiatives for individuals and groups. Background information on current affairs is provided throughout the site, along with resources, links, and a glossary that includes lobbying terms. The site strives to be as accurate as possible. One of the unique features of Lobicilik.Com is the set of questions posed within each unit so that by the end of the course each participant is better prepared to explore for themselves topical lobbying issues. You will also be encouraged to evaluate the impact of lobbies from your own perspective and to discuss these issues with family, friends and educators. As students learn how to analyze lobbying activities they are invited to participate in lobbying debates with other site visitors in our soon to be launched discussion forum. Although the site serves as a general introduction, it was also constructed to meet the needs of potential pro-Turkish lobbyists and friends of Turkey. It is hoped this site heightens your awareness of lobbying issues so that you will be actively involved in ensuring that the truth is never manipulated in order to satisfy the interests of lobbyists who may not all be working to promote the general good. In the near future we hope to provide students, site visitors, and the next generation of Turkish lobbyists with a wider variety of resources so that we can create a worldwide and unified strategy for dealing with misconceptions about Turkey and Turks. Without your interest to counter disinformation and misleading lobbying activities, there can be no breakthroughs in Turkish lobbying, nor can democratic systems be protected from badly informed decision-makers or legislators who are beholden to special interests.
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All Rights Reserved. Her Hakkı Saklıdır.